Bug Reports

How to create or contribute to bug reports

Bug reports

We track, discuss, and prioritize DDS bugs using GitLab issues.

To see all open bug reports, head over to the DDS issues page.

Before filing a bug report

Before you file a bug report, take a look through the open issues to see if someone else has already filed a report for the bug you're encountering.

If someone else has already filed a bug report, make relevant comments if needed add a thumbs up emoji above the comments section.

If you cannot find an existing issue that describes your bug, submit an issue using the guidelines below.

Filing a bug report with GitLab

If you're new to GitLab issues, here's how you can file a bug report:

  1. Head over to the issues page by clicking the Issues link within the sidebar on the left.
  2. Click the New issue button near the top right of the page to be taken to the new issue page.
  3. Create a title for the issue and fill in a description of the problem.
  4. Click the Create issue button on the bottom left.

Writing a good bug report

Please include as much relevant information to the problem as possible. Screenshots are incredibly helpful, as is the type of browser and the type of device where you are encountering the problem.

Please file a separate issue for each bug you're encountering, rather than reporting several bugs in a single issue.

After filing your bug report

After you file your bug report, we will prioritize and assign it to an upcoming DDS release.

Contributing a fix

If you would like to contribute to a bug fix, please consult the documentation for creating a merge request.