Feature Requests

How to request features or enhancements

Feature and enhancement requests

Requests for features and enhancements use the same process as reporting bugs by using Gitlab issues.

Before filing a feature request

Before you file a feature request, take a look through the open issues to see if someone else has already filed an issue for a request or enhancement.

If someone else has already filed a request, make relevant comments if needed add a thumbs up emoji above the comments section.

If you cannot find an existing request that matches your request, submit an issue using the guidelines below.

Filing a feature request with GitLab

If you're new to GitLab issues, here's how you can file a feature request:

  1. Head over to the issues page by clicking the Issues link within the sidebar on the left.
  2. Click the New issue button near the top right of the page to be taken to the new issue page.
  3. Create a title for the issue and fill in a description of the problem.
  4. Click the Create issue button on the bottom left.

Writing a good feature request

Provide as much information as you're able about your requested feature and its use case. Screenshots, XD mockups, example code, and the like are greatly appreciated.

The more information we have, the better able we are to determine if a feature is a good candidate for a future release.

Please create a separate discussion for each feature you're requesting, rather than requesting several features in a single thread.

How we evaluate feature requests

We evaluate each feature request (and their implementations) according to five criteria below:

  • Usefulness. Is the feature potentially useful to the whole Syracuse University community, or just a specific use case?
  • Usability. Does the feature adhere to usability best practices? Are any interactions documented? Is the feature usable at all screen sizes?
  • Accessibility. Is the feature accessible to all audiences, regardless of ability? Does the feature meet WCAG guidelines?
  • Visual design. Is the feature's design consistent with Syracuse University's visual style and brand guidelines?
  • Documentation. Is the feature well-documented in plain language understandable by developers of all skill levels?

After submitting your feature request

After you submit your feature request, a member of the Digital team will respond in the thread with follow-up questions and comments.

Contributing a new feature

Our capacity to develop new features each release cycle is limited, and oftentimes new features with the potential to add value wind up being difficult to prioritize.

However, if you've put together an implementation of a feature request in our backlog, we welcome pull requests — this can be a great way to get new features into the DDS without having to wait for us to develop it ourselves.