
Utilities to add color to text and background elements


Color utilities are used to customize a design by changing the colors of an element. The following pillars are the foundation for how color should be used and applied on Syracuse University websites:

Communication Over Decoration

Use of color should adhere to Syracuse University brand standards as well as being purposeful, rational and supporting of the content.

Color Should Be Accessible

Run tests for correct color contrast when choosing color and never rely solely on color to convey information.

Color Should Focus Attention

The use of color should help bring attention to what matters most. Color should support the hierarchy of the page. Each use of primary Syracuse University Orange, for example, needs to be strategic and impactful.

Text Color Utilities

Example Class Name Value
Syracuse University
.text-black #000000
Syracuse University
.text-white #FFFFFF
Syracuse University
.text-gray-light #707780
Syracuse University
.text-gray #404040
Syracuse University
.text-blue-light #203299
Syracuse University
.text-blue #000E54
Syracuse University
.text-orange #F76900
Syracuse University
.text-orange-dark #D74100

Background Color Utilities

These utilities can be used to apply a background color to elements. The naming convention is .background combined with any of our defined colors and tints, for example: .background-gray-light-60.

Example Class Name Value
.background-black #000000
.background-white #FFFFFF
.background-gray-light #ADB3B8
.background-gray #707780
.background-gray-dark #203299
.background-blue-light #2B72D7
.background-blue-medium #203299
.background-blue #000E54
.background-orange-light #FF8E00
.background-orange #FF431B
.background-orange-dark #D74100